The Nvidia tools extension SDK (NVTX) is an API that allows for annotating code for performance evaluation with Nsight. NVTX has a Fortran interface.

The -lnvhpcwrapnvtx flag must be added to mkmf.template in order for it to work properly:

ACCFLAGS = -acc -ta=tesla:cc70,deepcopy -Minfo=accel -I${NVHPC_ROOT_PATH}/include -lnvhpcwrapnvtx -Minstrument

The -Minstrument flag is optional, however it supposedly inserts NVTX ranges at subprogram entries and exits.

Within Fortran source code, the nvtx module must be used:

use nvtx

and ranges can be started and ended as demonstrated below.

call nvtxStartRange("First label")

!$acc parallel loop reduction(+:tmp1,tmp2,tmp3)

GLOBAL_OBS: do obs = 1, num_obs_to_assimilate



!$acc end parallel

call nvtxEndRange